find string

i used findstring for select same name object

there is obj1 obj2 obj3 obj4 obj5 obj1 objs

in there , i would like to select obj1 name only
but if i use findstring function ,
that fuction collect all obj* objects

how can i select same name object with findsting fuction ?


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fajar's picture

try this thing fellafn

try this thing fella

fn selectObject theName=
select (for i in objects where (matchpattern pattern:theName) collect i)
selectObject "obj1"
PS: obj1 refer as name of obj not direct obj

....remember to add "" before and after the name object...but if youre using edit.text you dont need that

barigazy's picture


In most cases you need to add


except you search for exact name.
Also "ignoreCase" argument can be important.


barigazy's picture

Use finditem

objNameArr = for n in $Obj* collect
--#("Obj5", "Obj4", "Obj3", "Obj2", "Obj1")
select (getnodebyname objNameArr[(finditem objNameArr "Obj1")])


dussla's picture

ok thank you pls , can you answer same layer

ok i see same object find way thank you

in layers

obj1 obj2 obj3 obj4 layers

how can i find same obj1 layer ?

barigazy's picture

Are you want to find out in

Are you want to find out in which the layer is obj1?


dussla's picture


0. layer name in text box
1. collect layer name
2. current layer layer name in text box
or turn on layer name in text box

barigazy's picture

If you want to know obj layer

If you want to know obj layer name just use

--or if you want to collect objs layer names (unique one)
layerNamesArr = #()
for o in $Obj* do appendifunique layerNamesArr


dussla's picture

wow ,barigazy thank you

always thank you
you are my sunshine
if you help me , mabey i can't do anything
you are best kindly person

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