Hierarchy to layer


I'm try to make script that transform a hierarchy like :




don't when I try to put object into layer I've got an error like

-- [stack level: 1]
-- called from o loop; filename: C:\Users\charles\Downloads\hierarchy_to_layer.ms; position: 1630; line: 74
-- Parameters:
-- o: $Dummy:carre @ [-4.860891,11.906838,0.000000]
-- Locals:
-- o: $Dummy:carre @ [-4.860891,11.906838,0.000000]
-- enfant: #($Box:Box002 @ [11.277443,7.361247,0.000000], $Box:Box001 @ [-19.488970,3.360549,0.000000])
-- Externals:
-- collectMyChildren: Global:collectMyChildren : collectMyChildren()
-- layer: Global:layer : undefined
-- owner: undefined
-- ------------------------------------------------------
-- [stack level: 2]
-- called from top-level

Here a part of the code

for o in ParentUnique do (
layer = LayerManager.newLayerFromName o.name
enfant = collectMyChildren o includeParent:false as array
-- format "layer:%, enfant:% \n" o.name enfant

for e in enfant where ( superclassof e == GeometryClass ) do (
layer.addnode e
format "layer:%, enfant:% \n" o.name e.name

"layer.addnode e" seem to cause the error.

Thancks in advance for your help.

Ps : the goal is to organize 3dsmax scene get from fbx file import from rhino.


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miauu's picture


I have tested the code with a scena that I created(sphere linked to sphere linked to dummy linked to dummy) but there are no problems.
Can you share a scene and the whole code that gives you the error?

miauu's picture


Can you show the full code or at least what the collectMyChildren function returns as colletion of objects?

for o in ParentUnique do 
	layer = LayerManager.newLayerFromName o.name
	enfant = collectMyChildren o includeParent:false as array
	-- format "layer:%, enfant:% \n" o.name enfant
	for e in enfant where ( superclassof e == GeometryClass ) do 
		layer.addnode e
		format "layer:%, enfant:% \n" o.name e.name
charlesm's picture

Here the code for

Here the code for collectMyChildren, I'm not the autor of this part (what why it's seem to be well coded !)

fn collectMyChildren obj includeParent:true =
-- start collecting direct children of
myChildren = #(obj)

-- add children and their children etc recursively
i = 0
while i < myChildren.count do
i += 1
join myChildren myChildren[i].children

-- remove initial object if == false
if not includeParent then deleteitem myChildren 1

-- return array containing children

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