How to construct a NURBS POINT CURVE

I am a beginner.
I am not able to construct a "NURBS Point Curve" with MAXSCRIPT.
I need it for build an "Electric Cable" between two points with a little noise
to modify the straight line.

I need your help.




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Example in the mxs help

Read "How do I create a line between two points?" topic in the MaxScript Reference.

-- Example from the help
fn drawLineBetweenTwoPoints pointA pointB =
    ss = SplineShape pos:pointA
    addNewSpline ss
    addKnot ss 1 #corner #line PointA
    addKnot ss 1 #corner #line PointB
    updateShape ss
newSpline = drawLineBetweenTwoPoints [10,20,30] [100,200,10]
-- convert the SplineShape to NURBSCurveshape
convertTo newSpline NURBSCurveshape

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