Insert Animation Key without deforming curve


I would like to know if anyone knows if there is a way to insert keys to an animation curve without deforming it.

In my example the cube simply moves from its position at frame 0 to the new position at frame 30.

(mybox = box width:5 height:5 length:5
select $Box001
sliderTime = 0f
move $ [-50,0,0]
sliderTime = 30
set animate on
move $ [100,50,25]
set animate off
sliderTime = 15f)

If now I insert a key at frame 15 the curves of the X,Y, and Z Position will change according to the selected In/Out Tangent Type. What i'm looking for is a way to insert keys to curves without deforming their curvature.



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barigazy's picture

Try this ( --find current

Try this

--find current in/out tangent type
maxops.getDefaultTangentType &inTangent &outTangent
--now set to be linear (both)
maxops.setDefaultTangentType #linear #linear
mybox = box width:5 height:5 length:5
select $Box001
sliderTime = 0f
move $ [-50,0,0]
sliderTime = 30
set animate on
move $ [100,50,25]
set animate off
sliderTime = 15f
--then if you want return default tangents back
maxops.setDefaultTangentType inTangent outTangent


Ewok's picture

Insert Animation Key

It's strange that this function doesn't come with 3DSMAx by default.
It is a quite important tool for an animator.

Did anyone already try to script this?

In Maya this functions is completely integrated and is called "Insert" key.

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