Material Library to XML file

I have a material library files (mat) and want to export all materials names in this library to a xml file in this form:

where "ABC" is the material name in this library.
so how to do that or is there any script can do this task?
Thanks in Advanced.


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obaida's picture

Thank you very much i will

Thank you very much i will try it

obaida's picture


Thank you "pixamoon" for your help and info , i will check it and inform you.

pixamoon's picture



There is a nice XML structure you can take a look:

and here is a sample how to read all materials names from mat files:

dir = "C:\\FolderName"
for f in getfiles (dir + "\\*mat") do (
	print ("------" + getfilenamefile f + "------")
	ml = loadTempMaterialLibrary f
	for m in ml do (
		---add to your XML here

Can you tell me more how this xml should look like for multiple files and multiple maretials array? I can add this option to Library Track/Relink as export .mat info to XML:


pixamoon's picture


Here is a simple/quick version.

If will find all .mat files in specified folder and create XML file for each of .mat file

dir = "C:\Path"
for f in getfiles (dir + "\\*mat") do (
	xmlFile = getFilenamepath f + "\\" + getFilenamefile f + ".xml"
	xmlDoc = dotNetObject "System.Xml.XmlDocument"
	NotesElement = xmlDoc.CreateElement "Notes"
	xmlDoc.AppendChild NotesElement
	n1Element = xmlDoc.CreateElement "CategoryNotes"
	NotesElement.AppendChild n1Element
	childElement = xmlDoc.CreateElement "CatyNotes"
	n1Element.AppendChild childElement
	ml = loadTempMaterialLibrary f
	for m in ml do (
		MatElement = xmlDoc.CreateElement "MaterialNotes"
		MatElement.SetAttribute "MatName"
		NotesElement.AppendChild MatElement
	-- quick save without XML header
	xmlDoc.Save xmlFile
	-- or save with XML header
	writer = dotNetClass "System.Xml.XmlTextWriter"
	wSettings = dotNetObject "System.Xml.XmlWriterSettings"
	wSettings.indent = True
	w = writer.create xmlFile wSettings
	xmlDoc.writeContentTo w

Hope this helps

swatchmate's picture

Great example pixamoon Is it

Great example pixamoon
Is it possible to use matelement.innertext = and extract only the prefix or suffix of with maxscript?
Lets say I have a material called Wood.Oakfloor.Dark and I want to output it like this

<name>oakfloor dark</name>
obaida's picture

It working very will

It working very will Thanks,
i just replaced the first line with

dir = getSavePath caption:"Choose .mat Directory"

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