Plugin modifier to unselect all

I use plugin modifier InvertSel
Sorry for the creator I can't find its name ! :-(
Here is the code:
plugin modifier InvertSel
name:"Invert Selection"
classID:#(0x133382167, 0x5109474)
replaceUI:true version:1
on create do
delegate.selectionConversion = 2
Anybody could make such a plugin modifier to remove all selection ?
Thanks a lot. :-)


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titane357's picture

@SimonBourgeois : Thank you

@SimonBourgeois : Thank you very much ! Works like a charm !
I prefer a dedicated modifier than a modifier ; It's more stylish :-)

SimonBourgeois's picture

You're Welcome, Glad i could

You're Welcome, Glad i could help :)

SimonBourgeois's picture

Clear Selection Modifer

Hi, you can use this code :

plugin modifier ClearSel
name:"Clear Selection"
classID:#(0x1e4841b6, 0x66702754)
replaceUI:true version:1
on create do
delegate.selectionConversion = 1

You can also use a modifier.

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