points file to line, line to point file

I'm looking for a script (or someone to create one for me) that reads a comma delimited csv file (X,Y,Z) and creates a multi-point line (close it at the last point). and another script to take a multi-point line and save it back into the same csv format.

syntax sample

1.2345, 2.3456, 3.4567



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miauu's picture


	global rol_splineFromTXT
	try(destroyDialog rol_splineFromTXT)catch()
	rollout rol_splineFromTXT "miauu Spline from file"
		button btn_txtToSpline "TXT to Spline" width:140
		button btn_splineToTxt "Spline to TXT"  width:140
		on btn_txtToSpline pressed do
			txtFile = openFile (getOpenFileName())
			if txtFile != undefined do
				ss = splineShape()
				addNewSpline ss
				while not eof txtFile do
					fStr = filterString (readline txtFile) "," splitEmptyTokens:false
					if fStr.count == 3 do
						addKnot ss 1 #smooth #curve [fStr[1] as float, fStr[2] as float, fStr[3] as float]
				close ss 1
				close txtFile
		on btn_splineToTxt pressed do
			if selection.count == 1 and classOf selection[1] == SplineShape or classOf selection[1] == Line do
				txtFile = (getSaveFileName())
				if txtFile != undefined do
					outFile = createFile (txtFile + ".txt")
					ss = selection[1]
					knotsCnt = numKnots ss 1 
					for k = 1 to knotsCnt do
						kPos = getKnotPoint ss 1 k
						format "%,%,%\n" kPos.x kPos.y kPos.z to:outFile
					flush outFile
					close outFile
					messagebox "Done!" title:""
	createdialog rol_splineFromTXT 

Spline primitives(Circle, Donut, Rectangle, etc.) are not supported when the splines' points are saved in a txt file.

This will convert the selected shape to editable spline(which you may not want to happen), so Circles, Rentangles, etc. are supported:

	global rol_splineFromTXT
	try(destroyDialog rol_splineFromTXT)catch()
	rollout rol_splineFromTXT "miauu Spline from file"
		button btn_txtToSpline "TXT to Spline" width:140
		button btn_splineToTxt "Spline to TXT"  width:140
		on btn_txtToSpline pressed do
			txtFile = openFile (getOpenFileName())
			if txtFile != undefined do
				ss = splineShape()
				addNewSpline ss
				while not eof txtFile do
					fStr = filterString (readline txtFile) "," splitEmptyTokens:false
					if fStr.count == 3 do
						addKnot ss 1 #smooth #curve [fStr[1] as float, fStr[2] as float, fStr[3] as float]
				close ss 1
				close txtFile
		on btn_splineToTxt pressed do
			if selection.count == 1 and superClassOf selection[1] == Shape do
				txtFile = (getSaveFileName())
				if txtFile != undefined do
					outFile = createFile (txtFile + ".txt")
					ss = selection[1]
					convertToSplineShape ss
					knotsCnt = numKnots ss 1 
					for k = 1 to knotsCnt do
						kPos = getKnotPoint ss 1 k
						format "%,%,%\n" kPos.x kPos.y kPos.z to:outFile
					flush outFile
					close outFile
					messagebox "Done!" title:""
	createdialog rol_splineFromTXT 
TomB's picture


works great but....

after the spline is brought in, it's not able to be manipulated. cant edit vertices or segments. this happens in both versions of the script.

after I save the file and re-open I get an "obsolete data format error". asks me to resave the file. It still opens it up and it is now editable.

I'm using 3DS max 2020 btw.

I changed the parameters to #corner and #line since I needed it unsmoothed.

Export works fine.

Thanks for this!

Tom B.

jahman's picture


updateShape ss
after the close file command

miauu's picture


Yep. I forgot about it. :)
Thank you. :)

TomB's picture



Tom B.

miauu's picture


Can you provide a csv file?

TomB's picture



sample.txt 28.38 KB

Tom B.

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