Set point by 3point pick and link selected objects to point

Hello everyone,
is ther a way to create a point from a 3point pick and link the selcted ojbets to it.
F.e. if you has a Lamp and you want to set a Masterpoint to the top.

step1: on selected objects
step2: 3point pick create point
step3: linked all selected objects to point

See attachement


3point_link.jpg438.42 KB


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miauu's picture


	if selection.count != 0 do
		local pos01 = undefined
		local pos02 = undefined
		local pos03 = undefined
		local curSnapMode =
		local curSnapType = snapMode.type = true
		snapMode.type = #3D
		pos01 = pickPoint snap:#3d 
		if classof pos01 == point3 do
			pos02 = pickPoint snap:#3d rubberBand:pos01 
		if classof pos02 == point3 do
			pos03 = pickPoint snap:#3d rubberBand:pos02 = curSnapMode
		try(snapMode.type = curSnapType)catch()	
		if classof pos01 == point3 and classof pos02 == point3 and classof pos03 == point3 do
			p = point pos:((pos01 + pos02 + pos03) / 3.0)
			selection.parent = p
Dragan_ilic's picture

Thx, you are the hero we

you are the hero we beginners all need,
just one question what if the 3 point selection defines a circle and the point should been set to the middle of the circle and not like now where its set to the middle of the triangle.

miauu's picture


Since the script can't know where you wnat the point to be placed use the code above when you want the point to be at the center of the triangle formed by the picked points and use the code below when you want the point to be placed at the center of the circle formed by the picked points.

	--	credits to Vojtech Cada
	fn barycentricToWorld pos1 pos2 pos3 u v w =
		(u * pos1 + v * pos2 + w * pos3) / (u + v + w)
	fn getCircumcircle pos1 pos2 pos3 =
		local a = pos3 - pos2
		local b = pos3 - pos1
		local c = pos2 - pos1
		local u = dot a a * dot c b
		local v = dot b b * dot c -a
		local w = dot c c * dot b a
		local center = barycentricToWorld pos1 pos2 pos3 u v w
	if selection.count != 0 do
		local pos01 = undefined
		local pos02 = undefined
		local pos03 = undefined
		local curSnapMode =
		local curSnapType = snapMode.type = true
		snapMode.type = #3D
		pos01 = pickPoint snap:#3d 
		if classof pos01 == point3 do
			pos02 = pickPoint snap:#3d rubberBand:pos01 
		if classof pos02 == point3 do
			pos03 = pickPoint snap:#3d rubberBand:pos02 = curSnapMode
		try(snapMode.type = curSnapType)catch()	
		if classof pos01 == point3 and classof pos02 == point3 and classof pos03 == point3 do
			p = point pos:(getCircumcircle pos01 pos02 pos03)
			selection.parent = p

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