Tagged 'ScriptSpot Bugs / Wishlist'

Highlight coded text

Highlight coded text (if possible) will be good feature, or if it not so easy to be added, maybe return to the old style, where the number of lines was limited, because now if the code snippets is too large then the horizontal scroll bar goes out of the page height and need to scroll the html page down, move the the horizontal scroll bar and back scroll the page to the top and search the line what you readed... Briefly, there is an example large snippet just to illustrate the browsing and reading complication:

how to remove/delete comment by myself ?

I mean ... when I was wrong to post the comments in scriptspot. I just found the "edit" and "reply" menu.

I can not run this script when is a button

hi every one i hope we can solve this problem

im new here and im learning scripting sorry if it is easy to solve:S
i wrote this scriptto mirror morph targets and it works, but when i select the code and drag to the maintoolbar like a button it wont work anymore.
this is the code:

a=snapshot ObjectOriginal
addmodifier a M
WM3_MC_BuildFromNode M 1 ObjectDeformed
addmodifier a (mirror())
b=snapshot ObjectDeformed
addmodifier b Def

Inserting pictures problems

I was replying to an answer and I inserted a picture. The picture show while I am editing the post, but after subtmiting the post, the picture doesn't show.


load last scene by date

Hello, is someone here knows how to find the last scene by modification date?
by advance, thanks

camName = "100_20"
LoadPath = getFiles ("Z:\\prod\\"+camName+"\\"+camName+"*.max")
-- open last scene by date founded:
if LoadPath.count != 0 do
for f in LoadPath do
-- open last scene
resetMaxFile #noPrompt
loadMAXFile f quiet:true

locking actual physical camera settings

Hi everyone! This is first post, sorry if i sound too much like a newb.:)

I was just wondering if there is a script that makes the VrayPhysicalCamera behave like an actual physical camera, warts and all? im studying photography at the moment, and what i mean is real cameras have discrete (albeit customizable) f-stops, shutterspeeds and iso's..

so what im saying is, i think if the rollout settings on the vrayphysicalcam can somehow be locked (if you want to) to go from, say, f/1.4 -> 2.0 -> 2.8 and shutterspeeds at 1/8 -> 1/15 -> 1/30 sec., etc.

missing extensions/functions

Thanks for keeping this place going. 

I'm desperately looking for the following: Requires: Avguard_Extensions, BFDToolsCore , jbFunctions 

 If I find them do I simply copy them into the "stdplugs" directory?

I want to bake some simulated cloth into a vertex animated state. 


New design

Ups. New design is ... ehm .... no ..... any ....grrrrr.... Cry 

New site


I would like to say a few things about this new site.

 It looks very nice, but it is very heavy. It takes too long to load.

The search textbox is too big.

Also, the scripts are not separeted by category anymore. I miss this feature.

New site


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