Tagged 'ScriptSpot Bugs / Wishlist'

New site woes

I cant seem to find or do anything on this new site!! nothing works!  Frown

number of downloads

I don't know if it's a lot to implement but it would be nice to see how many times a script has been downloaded (when hosted here, of course).
The number of reads doesn't mean much...

Please be specific in your comments / wishes / criticism

While I welcome constructive criticism about the current state of ScriptSpot I would ask that you keep your comments specific. For instance (I'm paraphrasing) - "the new site isn't as good as the old site" or "the navigation now isn't any good" ... Its very difficult for me to come up with a solution when I don't exactly know the problem...

Point System, Voting and Tricky Clicking Links?

Hi Chris,

 I'm loving the new site! It feels much more alive now that it is community based, that was a great path to choose.

I only have a few questions:

1. How does the point system work? Please excuse my lack of familiarity with that type of artifice, but I've looked around the site and just can't seem to find any insight.

replace menu bar hover pages

It would be great if we could replace the hovering method on the menu bar. It doesn't work to have the different sub pages be displayed when hovering over 3ds Max or sketch up. It doesn't work because I'm navigating around on this site a lot with my tablet and or cellphone trying to keep up to date on posts and community information. I can not get to those sub pages unless I login and go through search engine results which turn up the sub page I'm trying to get to. Hope this makes sense thanks.

RSS updates


It would be great if only the RSS feed gets updated when a new script is posted. Some scripts get RSS'ed a lot because someone posted a comment or I think even the script got 1 extra point... and nothing changed really. Is it possible or desireable?


Script's url on the script's page


I could not find the link to the script's page while I'm actually on that page and I thought if it would be correct to have the caption of the script (and the forum page) be the link to that page? Currently it is not possible to copy the address of the script's page (and the forum's page as well) except from the address line of the browser, but this line could be littered by the comment's address and other php thingies.

Thank you,

search doesn't work...

The script search seems not to work :(

Site speed - log out for a faster experience

This isn't a long term solution, but ScriptSpot delivers cache'd pages to logged out visitors instead of doing tons of database queries when a user is logged in. So, if you're frustrated about the speed, try logging out, you should get your pages in a fraction of a second then.

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