Tagged 'Preview'

PowerPreview: High Quality Nitrous Previews

34 votes

This is an updated version of my PowerPreview script for Nitrous....
Here's a preview pic of the GUI and a high quality nitrous viewport showing the great quality you can achive with NitrousCool

PowerPreview for 3ds Max 2012+

Preview Stamper

16 votes

Rename Preview+ UI

v1.1.0 (03.03.2010    - Added "Rename Preview+" macro.

v1.0.1 (04.06.2009) - When creating preview, script auto hides viewport buttons (max2010).

Preview Tools (With Mp4 Option)*

0 votes


      I need to create previews on a daily basis. I am tired of copying the preview file manually and rename it. So. I did a very simple Tool to Auto-Copy and AutoRename the Preview files to the same place where my scene is. This works for me, but maybe not for you. It´s very simple to edit the script for your needs. But i plan to add new features like Folder setup in the future...


12 votes

This script will make preview renders from the viewport using the default 'make preview' dialog, when completed it renames the preview file to match the camera's name.

This makes it easier to generate preview files for a ruff edit, without having to manually rename the preview files again and again.

Render MOV Maker

19 votes



0 votes


16 votes

Saves a jpg file containing your last render everytime you save a max file. Helps to keep track of your changes.

Scripts for VrayProxy

39 votes

Export Mesh to VRayProxy with material.

Create VRayProxy with material.

Load VRayProxy Material.


Vray mesh Export v0.9

  • Adds "Test Render" function.
  • Adds "Light Multiplayer".
  • Adds capability for saving settings the utility.

Fixes issue with loading materials


View Grabber

20 votes

The purpose of this script is to help grab a bunch of still shots based off of the perspective viewport, or other cameras in the scene and to prepare them for rendering.

ViewPort Preview

64 votes

Capture Viewport animation to any output video/image format that 3ds Max support, with an access to the I/O bitmap setup (quality and compression settings), with a few (similar to the renderer) timing options.

Viewport PreviewViewport Preview 1.2


    - version 1.4 change log:

  • Now custom-built sequence support negative ranges
  • You can use interval (space sign) in custom-built sequence
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