Tagged 'Helpers'

refGuides [discontinued]

14 votes


refGuides is a tool for Autodesk 3Ds Max intended to improve and facilitate accurate modeling, particularly helpful for modeling architectural scenes Max, this tool allows to create construction lines guides, providing a measurement rule that can be used to accurately position and model objects .

Rigging Army Knife

28 votes

This is an advanced toolset for rigging. For a full features list refer to the included readme.

Grid By Name

15 votes

A Helper dialog to speed up working with custom Grids. Helps immensely in the workflow of angular modeling (read: silly modern architecture) when combined with a hotkey to create grid and autogrid >:)

Scene Notes helper

49 votes

There is many manners to save notes to the scene. Usually I put notes to dummy helpers with descriptive names and location to remind me something for concrete object, layer or the whole scene, so I use multiple targets to hold my notes, and any 'popup' persistent callbacks not sound good to me. Also I intend to control which of them to see on loading, so, this helper plugin is written mainly for my workflow, but hope it`s welcome to someone else.


6 votes

Use this script to create a point at the selected object(s) pivot then link that object(s) to the newly created point.

Rotator Helper

7 votes

A Rotator Helper script for 3ds max r5. Kind of like the one Sergio Mucino had. It generates 3 Torus - converts them to an editable poly rotates 2 of them and attaches them all into one object named Rotator Helper. This object as helper does have it's pivot coordinates already set to the world axis no matter wich viewport you create it in.


9 votes

Use this script to pick a point on the surface of a mesh then place a point helper at the halfway point between the point you pick and the back of the mesh.


6 votes

Use this script to create a point at the selected object(s) center.


5 votes

Use this script to create a point at the selected object(s) center then link that object(s) to the newly created point.


10 votes

Use this script to create a point helper at the selected object(s) pivot.