Tagged 'Track'

VrayScatter Lister

20 votes

VrayScatter Lister.
The script to simplify working with multiple objects VrayScatter.

version 0.92: Adds support for 3dsMax 9 and 2008
Main features:

  • Simplify working with multiple objects VrayScatter.
  • Creating preview for VrayProxy

Set Selection filter

40 votes

Script for quick set the Selection Filter.
Allows you to create custom filters
for Classes (for example-Box),
for Superclasses (for example-Geometry),
by objects Layers,
Modifiers, Materials, Vertex count or Instanced objects.

v. 0.22
Adds ability to set filter by layers of selected objects.

v. 0.23
Adds ability to set filter by classes of selected objects.

Bake Verts Animation

14 votes

Might work for one vertice, if not I'll put up another which works for just one as well.
There are probably already a dozen scripts like this up here, but this is one I wrote just to track a dummy to each vertice I specify. Lots of reasons to use it, track an object to some point cache animation etc.

Pulley Belt

10 votes

Technically you can probably call it a rounded isosceles trapezoid but it will be more useful as a base for path of bicycle chains or pulley belts. When both radii are the same and spline set to renderable, it could also be used as a simple chain link.

Isolate Track

22 votes

Isolate Track

When an object has several “object keyframes” of different parameters at the same frame time (e.g. a morpher with multiple targets, or baseObject’s radius and segments animated), all of these keyframes are displayed as one “grey object key” in the timeline.

Isolate Track popups (under mouse cursor) a rollout that displays all the animatable tracks of the current modifier stack selection, and quickly isolates the selected track keyframes in the timeline.

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