Tagged 'obj'

Batch Preview Renderer

4 votes

The script searches for files in a given directory and renders a preview from the files found.
Ideal if you have a lot of model library and you dont know the content of the files.

J3D Moya

2 votes

======================= Overview =======================
It transfers geometry and animation (cameras, meshes and vertex animation) back and forth between modo, Maya and 3dsMax. It also sends geometry to Mari.

Liked Category OpenCUI

1 vote

To continually not found among heaps of categories that category into which most inputs for setup hotkeys. For instant access to the category Customize-> CustomizeUserInterface-> desired category ...

Чтобы постоянно не искать среди кучи категорий ту категорию, в которую чаще всего залазишь для установки хоткеев. Для мгновенного доступа в категорию Customize->CustomizeUserInterface->Нужная категория...

Print BoundingBox and Obj Name

1 vote

This script prints in .txt or excel format the BoundingBox of selected objects or groups of objects.

Script required by Jake2806 (http://www.scriptspot.com/forums/3ds-max/scripts-wanted/export-dimensions-to-txt)

V-Ray MultiMatte / Object ID Manager

1 vote

V-Ray MultiMatte and Object ID Manager.

Handling ObjectIDs in Max can be a hassle. This hopefully simplifies life for you. You can:

- Easily set IDs on all selected objects.
- Select objects by their ID.
- List all IDs in the scene
- Clear IDs
- Automatically clear out old MultiMatte Render elements and recreate only the ones you need in the scene!


- Refined UI
- Added incremental add and use next available ID option 

Select by Color and Move objects to Layer

1 vote

This simple script lets you choose a wirecolor by an object (like "Select by Color") and select all objects with the same color. You can move the selection to levels we have chosen.



Batch Export Any Format

1 vote

To Batch export use it script with "Batch It Max" script. "Batch It Max" can run any script on multiple files with single click.

Link for Batch It Max : http://paulneale.com/scripts/batchItMax/batchItMax.htm

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