Tagged 'vertice'

Bake Verts Animation

14 votes

Might work for one vertice, if not I'll put up another which works for just one as well.
There are probably already a dozen scripts like this up here, but this is one I wrote just to track a dummy to each vertice I specify. Lots of reasons to use it, track an object to some point cache animation etc.

Skip Every N-th

61 votes

Skip every vert/edge/face. In Loop mode, you can skip edges and polygons. In Ring mode you can skip vertices,edges and polygons. To make poly loop select 3 faces(the middle one is starting face), check PolyLoop checkbox, set "Skip V-E-P" spinner to value greater then 2 and start skiping. You can't skip one face, only 2 or more. Ring mode does not have this limitation. "For Steps" spinner works only with edges. If you want to skip every 2 edges five times, set "Skip" spinner to 2 and "For Steps" spinner to 5. Instalation: Drag-n-drop SkipEveryNthVEPRingLoop.mzp to 3ds max.

Weld and Smooth

1 vote
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