Tagged 'I/O'


5 votes

Add and Edit Scene X-Ref objects en-masse.


6 votes

"Script for importing Autodesk .3DS files. The 3DS file format is one of the most widely used for 3D models - so you'll have no trouble finding modelling programs and utilities that can export to it. It's never been easier to get your models into gmax! Imports full geometry - materials with textures - keyframed animations - model hierarchies - lights - and smoothing groups

DEM Import

8 votes

Digital elevation model DEM binary files import and map projections modifiers ( ellipsoidal Lambert conical -ellipsoidal universal transverse mercator - sphere2plane - with user defined ellipsoid and datum transformations handle)


4 votes

Utility Script that takes a bmp file and creates a text file with all the necessary info to rebuild the image in a script. The script output is in the form of (x - y - num of pix in x - color as p3).


16 votes

Export utility for exporting .CSM (Character Studio Marker) motion capture data from any object selection.


8 votes

This little scripts converts all the max files in a folder to 3ds file format.

Note: does not have a UI. Requires user to edit path to max files in script via text editor.

Import Molecules

7 votes

Import molecule files for Chemistry or just for fun. Both PDB [Protein
Database] and MOL format files are supported. This script works in both max and

Commercial Script: Currently being sold on Turbosquid


13 votes

"Import utility for importing generic .CSM (Character Studio Marker) motion capture data as animated point helpers. New: fff"


8 votes

Exports 3D world coordinates as 2D screen coordinates to use as Position Data in the 'Particle Illustion' by Wondertouch.

Read Mo Cap Data

3 votes

Need to get some Motion Capture data into Max? This script might help.

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