Tagged 'Characters'


7 votes

Selects the biped skeleton.

Muscle Editor

7 votes

"Muscle editor is a macroscript for making a true use of the bone scale/squash options in your rigs.

Character Select Utility

7 votes

This is a utility which can generate selection sets for CStudio bipeded characters it came about over automating the task of when merging - Max leaves behind the selection sets.

Bone info

7 votes

This is handy. In a skin modifier - select some verts and press the button. Util goes off and get bone assignments and weights for each vert. Good for fixing blending problems. Also tells you if vert weights are normalized or not.

Bone copy

7 votes

Swaps the weights from one bone in a skin modifier to another


7 votes

 A script to load and save animated morph data

For many years, I have used the same system to deal with lipsync within production, and it is with great pleasure that I release it to the community now. This script will take a character that uses a morph modifier for lipsync and save the data to XML. This can then be re-applied at a later stage.


7 votes

"If you select any piece of a biped and then run this script - it will select the entire biped.
version 1.02 Changed a few variable names and cleaned the code."

Skin Tools

7 votes

Various tools for use with the Skin modifier.

Biped Dumper

7 votes

Takes the selected parts of a biped and converts them to objects that have their transforms collapsed. Your biped will not be affected.

muscle editor

7 votes

Muscle editor is a macroscript for making a true use of the bone scale/squash options in your rigs.

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