Tagged 'size'

Select By Size / Volume

16 votes

This script allows you to select objects by their size or volume, by checking their
- bounding box size (= bounding box volume) or
- the actual volume of the mesh (the calculation function for this is taken from the MAXScript manual, I think Bobo is the genius behind it ! :-) )

FallOff Up Down

3 votes

Respectively makes FallOff bigger or smaller by 20% (20% because every four times the size roughly doubles/halves). Only for editable poly. I have assigned these to my up and down arrows. This is really use full when I do terrain work.
Update 1.1 added Undo

Find Large Bitmaps

14 votes

FindLargeBitmaps is a quick script to search for bitmaps in your scene that are bigger than a specified dimension or file size.

Use it to optimize your scene's bitmap assets quickly.