Tagged 'morph'

OverMorpher PoseSpace

2 votes


OverMorpher PoseSpace is a 3Dsmax plugin dedicated to Pose Space Deformation.

It is pretty similar to the SkinMorph, Corrective poses driven by your Rig.

Except the poses interpolation is more reliable.

The SkinMorph modifier drives the poses depending on the angle between 2 bones.

OverMorpher WorldSpace

1 vote


That’s a new 3dsmax plugin for animation.

It gives you all the freedom that even the best rig can’t.

You can sculpt your poses in animation at a specific time, and your corrective poses are blended on top of your mesh deformations.

OverMorpher MeshSpace

1 vote

OverMorpher Mesh Space is the release of what I showed a few years ago: http://hocuspocus-studio.fr/tools/overmorpher/

That’s a new 3dsmax plugin. It works like a morpher, but on top of an animated mesh.

It can be placed over a skin modifier, or anything like a point cache or an alembic…etc

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