Tagged 'naming'

Quick Layer Organizer

31 votes

Simply create a layer and name it specific to what should go into the layer, for example "CHAR" for character geometry. Any character geometry you make you just need to remember to include "CHAR" in the object's name and when the Quick Layer Organizer is run it will find any objects with "CHAR" in the name and put them into the "CHAR" layer. Any objects that don't match the name a layer will remain in whatever layer they are currently in and the default layer is ignored during the organization.

Game Models Tools

4 votes

This script lets you perform various texture map batch operations and batch import and map various game object formats. You can batch populate and rename the filepaths for different map slots ( as well as set other common properties ). If you have many bitmaps named according to a naming convention, you can quickly populate the appropriate maps accordingly.

At the current moment, there is no help documentation.

Simply run the script from the maxscript menu.

Works with Standard and Multimaterial

Best Regards joqqy

Material Renamer

3 votes

Material Renamer script is a script to rebane the Materials in one 3ds Max scene.I used 3ds max 2016 as i create this script. I you use other version of 3ds max and the script doesn't work please let me know. This script is tested at 3ds max 2016 and 3ds max 2021.

If You have Ideas how to develop this script more, pleace let a coment.

Script category: “#todorScripts”

You can see an example here, how to install my script per Drag and Drop:

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