Tagged 'ruben henares'

RH Map Node Renamer

27 votes

It takes the material assigned to the selected object and assigns the name of the object to it. Then it checks if there is a bitmap texture assigned to "Diffuse", "Specular Level", "Opacity" and "Bump". If it finds a bitmap texture in the slot it renames the bitmap texture node to "Color", "Specular", "Opacity", "Normal". Then it also renames the textures asigned using the pattern "NameOfTheObject_NameOfSlot.*" ex. SmallBox_Color.bmp

RH Object Compare

15 votes

It is ment to be used to compare the amount of visual difference between LODs. Select 2 objects, select if you want to compare them by rendering them out or just by taking a screenshot from the viewport and press start. The script will show an image with red, green and blue colors wich are a representation of the amount of difference between both objects.

RH Opacity to Alpha

11 votes

This script will collapse the opacity and diffuse textures into one 32bit texture. It works with multi materials and standard materials. Just select an object and run it.

RH Script Manager

16 votes

Designed for big teams where you want to make sure that all the artists have the macroScripts they need and that all of them have the same version.By just running the installer from inside Max it will ask us to specify a name for the new menu that it will create later, a remote folder from where the scripts will be sincronized and a local folder where the scripts will be installed.

RH Check ATS Maps

22 votes

This script goes through all the .max files in a given folder and checks if all the assets in the Asset Tracking System have their status set to "Ok". Once its done it pops an info box thats shows how many files where checked, and then gives you the name of the .max files that were wrong.

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