Tagged 'maxscript'

New Maxscript Tutorial Series - Beginner to Intermediate by Kevin Harper.

2 votes

Hey Scrip Spot.

I created a tutorial series for Max Script for 3ds max artists that starts at the very begging. I wanted people with no knowledge of programming to be able to write tools for max.

Here it is. Enjoy! http://angryarray.servegame.com/

A few notes about code optimization

47 votes

The base idea of this topic is to say to all coders - always to research, because this is the only way to get rid of any myths. Each myth may hinder your future development and may leave a wrong impression in us for the MaxScript language at all.


MAXScript tutorials. Procedural Modeling (Spanish)

2 votes

En estos vídeos, aprenderás a crear un pluging de objeto en 3ds Max, usando la superclase SimpleObject.
Un plugin de objeto define una geometría basada en triángulos, cuya posición, número y orientación, forma un volumen en el espacio 3D. Estos objetos, pueden ser cajas, esferas, o cualquier cosa. En muchos sentidos es similar a las primitivas estándar de 3ds Max, pues el objeto puede variar de tamaño y de número de segmentos.
Estos videos, son parte de las materias de scripting de la Ingeniería en Animación Digital en la Universidad Panamericana en Guadalajara, México.

How to use MySQL Connector in 3ds Max using .NET

18 votes

Maxscript tutorial: Print vs Format

2 votes

I just finalized a Maxscript tutorial showing the difference between Print and Format command when exporting to external files, check it out.


3DS Max Maxscript How to install a macroscript

0 votes

In this Tutorial,for total beginners, we will learn how to install
a macroscript into 3DS Max.

DotNet Demystified - Part 1

34 votes

Just posted on Lonerobot.net is the first part of a series of beginner's DotNet tutorials. If you've been struggling with dotnet classes and are unsure of what the difference between a class and an object is, this tutorial could help get you on the way to achieving the most out of dotnet in 3dsMax. 

Dotnet Demystified Part 1

Bézier curves (Spanish with English commentary)

0 votes

In these videos, you will learn how to create a Bézier curve in MAXScript and ton know all it´s mathematical details.

3DS Max - Remove Materials Utility Has No Undo - Fixed With Maxscript

1 vote

In this tutorial, we will learn how we can replace the Remove Material utility with our own tool using a single line Maxscript, and we will learn how to convert this line of code to a regular tool by creating a button for it and place it on our toolbar. The reason for this is that the built-in tool is missing the Undo operation.

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