Tagged 'control'

VMC (VRay Material Control)

69 votes

Change VRay properties en masse!


  • Sets properties on all Vray materials and maps in the Scene, Selection or Material Editor in a couple of clicks.
  • Global Subdiv Reset for getting scenes where you want them.
  • Donors get support for all Vray Cameras, Lights, Modifiers & Geometry, Bitmaps, Color Correction Map and the 3rd party maps: Color Correct, MultiTexture, MultiScatterTexture & ForestMaterial and a set of handy Power Tools:
    • Batch Mode
    • Turn all/selected lights on/off


33 votes

Custom manipulator objects like spline curves for rigging controls.

Facial Animation Rig

22 votes

Create a complete head rig, with facial animation controls as recommended by Jason Osipa in his book 'Stop Staring'. Starting just with a head mesh, create bones for jaw, head,neck and eyelids. Also create a couple of spline controls for the eyes and the chin. Running the 'eyerig' script creates a rollout with pick buttons for all needed bones and meshes, then sets up the eye and head rigs, as well as placing a skin modifier on the mesh, with the required bones added, ready for vertex weighting. The rig also caters for 'fleshy eyelids' that move with the eye.

Warp Control

16 votes

An updated version of Warp Toggle. Turns off Space Warp bindings to speed up viewport work (a lot!). Turn them on or off with one click. Works on All objects or Selected objects. Also has a button to (permanently) remove Space Warp bindings from objects.

Variable Control

16 votes

I made quickly a small script to control if a variable is already used or not.
It gives you the variable value as well.


14 votes

Simple script that changes some basic material parameters for selected objects. Works with Standard and Vray Materials.

on/off Amount paramers for diffuse, opacity, reflection, refraction, bump, displacement, selfillumination.

Spline Control

14 votes

While working on a small fun project that involved animating splines (Montpellier Tramway Map morph), the limitations of Spline IK and general hostility of spline animation forced me to create my own simple animation-friendly spline control.

Spline Curve Control

12 votes

Point Cache random playback start

9 votes

A simple tool with simple interface to set a random playback start in Point cache modifier for a group of objects.
to open the dialog run the script file.
Drag & Drop the file inside the view-port.

January 2012 update _ added the ability to use negative numbers

Smooth Control

1 vote

This scripts help management multiples Turbo Smooth Modifiers. I am a designer and this is my first max script. I hope you like it.

- Don't work with Groups
Open all groups (Don't need ungroup)
Assign turbo smooth or mesh smooth in Objects
Be Happy :)

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