Tagged '3dsmax how to'

3DS Max - Set The Size Of A Mesh

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This tutorial will show you how to control the width, height, and length of objects that are not parametric, which means you don't have access to the spinners that determine these parameters. You'll also learn some additional tips on how to quickly play with values inside spinners and how to quickly change the pivot location.

3DS Max - Spline Chamfer Modifier

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When you add fillets and chamfers to your 2D shapes, then add modifiers and start modeling, if suddenly you decide to adjust these fillets and chamfers it will be a problem. In this video, we will learn how to keep things parametric by using the Spline Chamfer modifier. This modifier also works on Sub-Object selections as you will see in this video. You will learn all the modifier's parameters.

3DS Max - Tip - Ctrl + Right-Click vs Right-Click Spinners

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3DS Max - Easy Modeling - Simple Chair - Part 2

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This is the second part of this simple chair modeling tutorial, where we will finish it by modeling the seat part and the legs.

3DS Max [BUG] - V Ray Sun Created Randomly In The Scene

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In this video, I will recreate the issue/bug in 3DS Max, that will cause a V-Ray Sun to appear in your scene randomly, explain why this is happening, and then explain how to deal with it.

Note: At minute 3:00 I wanted to say: "...And this file has a V-Ray Sky..." not V-Ray Sun, and just after it at minute 3:06 I wanted to say: "...there is a V-Ray Sun in the scene..." anyway, it's fixed in the video caption if you turn it On.

3DS Max - Curve Editor Blank - Fixed

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In this quick tip 3DS Max tutorial, we will see how to fix the blank Curve Editor when we try to open it after selecting an object.

3DS Max - RailClone - How To Distribute groups

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In this tutorial, we will learn how to distribute groups using RailClone.
I'm using RailClone 5.2.8, and this tip here will not work in the old versions like the 3 series.

3DS Max - V Ray 6 - Bring Back V Ray Quad Menu

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In V-Ray 6, the Chaos group decided to remove the V-Ray quad menu options, where you had many features. To find them, now you have to use the V-Ray menu on the main menu toolbar. But, if you like to have these options back again in your quad menu, this tutorial is for you.

Note: The solution that you'll find in the video I made 6 years ago, doesn't work anymore, I'm talking about this one: https://youtu.be/_TjxBNJaW_w

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