
hi all,

i need to convert many 3ds to max in the same folder with the same name..a lot of work if i have to do it one by one...

is there a scrip or plugin to do this..

and the same question with dwg or dxf to max..

thanks a lot


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ubikstudio's picture

oh thanks...great!! thanks a

oh thanks...great!!

thanks a lot..

ubikstudio's picture

yu thin its hard to ad "buton

you think its hard to ad "buton to processes subfolder?


Anubis's picture

As you see, nothing hard

As you see, nothing hard here.
You can create a rollout or utility, add a button and it event, right?
Im super busy right now, but here is a quick instruction:

utility MeshDirToMax "Mesh Dir To Max"
	button btnDir "My Folder to .MAX" width:120
	on btnDir pressed do
---------// paste my code here...

That's it :)
Ok, finally I attached the updated script, cheers!

meshdirtomax02.ms 571 bytes

my recent MAXScripts RSS (archive here)

ubikstudio's picture

oh thanks anubis..i see your

oh thanks anubis..i see your comment after my post

thanks a lot work great....

ubikstudio's picture

i fond a script from Larry

i fond a script from Larry Minton
work good..but how can i autosave to the same name as the *.3ds


rollout LoadAndSaveAll "Load and Resave All" (

-- general locals
local files, sourceDir
local processTheScene, collectFileNames, existFile, existDir, makeDirPath, getTheFile, stripBasePath
local debug=false
local filesToProcess="*.3ds"

-- script process specific locals

-- this function is called to load the file
fn getTheFile theFile=loadMaxFile theFile

-- this function is called after the file is loaded.
-- If the scene is processed ok, return true. Otherwise return false.
-- The name of the file and the filestream for logging are the parameters
fn processTheScene theFile logfile =
( redrawViews()
max file save

-- this function is called to collect all the files in a base directory with a given extension.
-- if subdirs:true is specified, files in subdirectories are also collected
fn collectFileNames baseDir ext subdirs:false fileList: =
( --format "Processing: %\n" baseDir
if fileList == unsupplied do (fileList=#(); if baseDir[baseDir.count] != "\\" do baseDir += "\\")
-- get the files with the specified extension in this directory
for fname in (getFiles (baseDir+ext)) do append fileList fname
-- recursively process each subdirectory
if subdirs do
for aDir in (getDirectories (baseDir+"*.*")) do
collectFileNames aDir ext subdirs:true fileList:fileList

-- a function to determine if a file exists
fn existFile fname = (getfiles fname).count != 0

-- a function to determine if a directory exists
fn existDir dname =
( if dname[dname.count] == "\\" or dname[dname.count] == "/" do dname=substring dname 1 (dname.count-1)
(getDirectories dname).count != 0

-- a function to create a directory path structure. Returns true if success
-- have to make each directory in the path structure separately
fn makeDirPath theDir =
( local parsedDir = filterstring theDir "\\"
local dirString = parsedDir[1] -- the drive
for i=2 to parsedDir.count do
( dirString += "//"+parsedDir[i]
if not (existDir dirString) do
if not (makeDir dirString) do return false

-- a function to strip the base directory from the file name in the array of file names
fn stripBasePath baseDir files=
( local baseDirLen=baseDir.count+1
for i=1 to files.count do files[i]=substring files[i] baseDirLen -1

-- define the user interface
Button aboutProcessAll "About..."
Label srclbl "Source Directory:" offset:[0,5]
Button SourcePath "--none--" width:150
checkbox doSubDirs "Process subdirectories" checked:true offset:[-8,0]
label num2process_t "# Files to process:" across:2 align:#left offset:[0,5]
label numFilesToProcess "0" offset:[0,5]
Button Process "Start File Processing" enabled:false offset:[0,5]

-- following is executed when the utility is started
on LoadAndRenderAll open do
( sourceDir=undefined

-- define the user interface handlers

on aboutProcessAll pressed do
messagebox "Load And Resave All\nv1.0\nby Larry Minton"

on SourcePath pressed do
( local tmp=getSavePath caption:"Specify Source Directory"
if tmp != undefined do
( sourceDir=tmp
if sourceDir[sourceDir.count] != "\\" do sourceDir += "\\"
if debug do (format "Source directory: %\n" sourceDir)
files=collectFileNames sourceDir filesToProcess subdirs:doSubDirs.checked
stripBasePath sourceDir files
numFilesToProcess.text=files.count as string
)--End on SourcePath

on doSubDirs changed state do
( if sourceDir != undefined do
( files=collectFileNames sourceDir filesToProcess subdirs:doSubDirs.checked
stripBasePath sourceDir files
numFilesToProcess.text=files.count as string

on Process pressed do
( local theFile, status_ok
local num_failed=0
local num_converted=0
deletefile (sourceDir+"convert_file.log")
logfile=createfile (sourceDir+"convert_file.log")
if logfile == undefined do throw "Error creating log file in " sourceDir
progressStart "Processing progress"
progressUpdate 0
resetMaxFile #noPrompt
for fin in files do
-- rebuild the file name
theFile=sourceDir + fin
format "Processing file: %\n" theFile to:logfile
flush logfile
format "Processing file: %\n" theFile
try (status_ok=getTheFile theFile)
catch (status_ok=false)
if (getProgressCancel()) do exit
progressEnd ()
progressStart "Processing progress"
if not (progressUpdate (100*(num_failed+num_converted)/files.count)) do exit
if status_ok do status_ok=processTheScene theFile logfile
if status_ok == #cancel do exit
if not (progressUpdate (100*(num_failed+num_converted)/files.count)) do exit
if status_ok then
num_converted += 1
( format "Error processing file: %\n" theFile to:logfile
num_failed += 1
progressEnd ()
resetMaxFile #noPrompt
close logfile
messagebox ("Number of failures processing files: "+(num_failed as string)+
"\nNumber of successes processing files: "+(num_converted as string)+
"\nSee file "+(logfile as string)+" for processing log") title:"Processing Complete"
)--End on Process

)--End LoadAndRenderAll

if floater1 != undefined then (closeRolloutFloater floater1) -- If floater1 already open, then close.
floater1=newrolloutfloater "Load and resave all" 200 220
addrollout LoadAndSaveAll floater1

Anubis's picture

is that so hard?

I remember some examples about goes with Max instalation.
But here you go a simplified script.

meshdirtomax.ms 438 bytes

my recent MAXScripts RSS (archive here)

ubikstudio's picture

thanks but this script only

thanks but this script only import all 3d present in a folder

what i want is batch to load the *.3ds files and export it in the same directory with the same name *.max

Admin's picture

This wil do it -

This wil do it - http://www.scriptspot.com/3ds-max/scripts/batch-loader

Christopher Grant
Admin, ScriptSpot.com

ubikstudio's picture

no one can help?:(

no one can help?:(

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