Import FBX UVW's on multiple objects (Keep modifier stack on existing scene objects)

Is there a script that can replace/overwrite the base object when re-importing an FBX file into 3dsmax so that the modifiers stack remains? How does 3dsmax know which object is which?

I want to be able to use an external program like Unfold 3D for auto UVW(Seams/Unwrap/Pack): But I also want to keep the modifier stack on each object in the scene.

A bit clearer workflow:

1) - Use the script to export meshes to FBX (With an option to only export the base object (without modifiers)

2) - Manually Auto unwrap and pack in Unfold 3D and export to FBX

3) - Use the script to import FBX and transfer UVW's to the corresponding objects (Or alternatively replace the base object) in the 3dsmax scene (based on name/object ID?) *

      * the existing modifier stacks of these objects should remain unchanged.


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miauu's picture


Can you upload objects - one unwrapped, and other with modifiers?

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