maxscript modifier plugin problems

this is my first post here, I'll explain my problem:

I'm trying to develop a 3ds max modifier plugin in maxscript. I don't want to use C++ cos I'm not skilled enough.
This modifier is suppose to be applied in a shape object and creates a mesh which the topology is arranged in a certain way. The result is not too far from what the Loft objects do.
Considering the lack of documentation in the official maxscript help docs relating scripted plugins, I've decided to extends the plugins from the edit_poly modifier. I don't know if I've made the right choice but the alternative was to use a simpleModifier plugins which seems only hallow to change the position of the verts of an existing mesh instead of creates new ones.

So that what my plugins currently does is to get informations from the shape and using the "Edit_poly" features ( inherited by my plugin ) to create the new geometry. Although this seems to work there are some problems that I can't resolve:

1- I can't find a way to intarctively change the mesh generated by the modifier, when the base shape object is changed. Maybe is possibile using a callBackEvent but I don't want since this solution would'n be elegant at all.

2- I can't find a way to generate the mesh automatically as soon as the modifier is applied to the shape. I tried with the standard plugin event on create do () but max calls this function even when the modifiers dropdown menu is opened and the modifier is not applied yet to the object. Other events like on params open do() don't work as well for this purpose.

3- The only way I've found for generating the geometry is to use the inherited "Edit_poly" methods . There are many problems in that, for example the "Edit_poly" panels must be visible otherwise is not possible to use the "Edit_poly" methods such as deleting existing vertices. Every time it performs such actions the "Edit_poly" panels refresh annoyingly. Eventually using "Edit_poly" methods is very slow.

thanks in advance



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Edit_poly is not suited well for a changing baseobject and this sort of task. See how I implemented the basic functionality here:

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