Export layer (incl nested sublayers) as fbx to a specified path with one-click


I am exporting a layer (including its nested sublayers) to an fbx-file by overwriting it a hundred times a day.

It´s always too many clicks and I now want a One-Click solution:

1. Define layer (String)

2. Define path (String)

3. Make "Export"-Button

Copy this severeal times (Better would be a Plus and a Delete-Button)

4. "Export all"-Button

 Layer Exporter 

It´s very important that the upcoming FBX-Export dialog is supressed (reminding the last settings) so that it´s a real one-click solution. Surely this helps you a lot but it does not support nested layers.

I can´t write any maxscript-code so I need your complete solution (paid).

Please make me an offer.




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sable806's picture


Hello, you might want to check this tool which can export layers as fbx in separate folder.


SMFoged's picture

How is it going? Any

How is it going? Any progress?


Stephen Meldal Foged
Max User since 1997
Ultimate player since 2001 />
Copenhagen - Denmark

pbiswal's picture

Hey, I am interested in


I am interested in taking this up.

Do you still want this to be done? If yes, let me know.

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