standrad light to vray sun convert

hello , my god
i am seeking convert lights

standard light to vray sun or ies sun conver

is there good idea ?


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barigazy's picture

With this little script you

With this little script you can align vray sun to any object which have target.
Just select a object (camera, light etc.) and press the button.

try(destroydialog ::AlignVRSUN) catch() 
rollout AlignVRSUN "VrSun Align"
	fn check obj = isValidNode obj and obj.Target != undefined
	button avrsun "Align VRay Sun" pos:[5,5] width:110 height:20
	on avrsun pressed do
		local vrsun = (for s in lights where classof s == VRaySun collect s)[1]
		if vrsun == undefined then (messagebox "VRay Sun don't exist." title:"Note" beep:false) else
			if selection.count != 1 then (messagebox "Select a object first!" title:"Note" beep:false) else
				local targObj = selection[1] 
				if check targObj == false then (messagebox "Select a node which have a target" title:"Note" beep:false) else
				( =
					vrsun.transform = targObj.transform
createDialog AlignVRSUN 120 30 style:#(#style_titlebar, #style_sysmenu, #style_toolwindow)


barigazy's picture

The parameters of standard

The parameters of standard and vray sun light are too much different.Only position of light and light target need to be
the same in the case of converting.


dussla's picture

yes, i want to place same postion

yes god ~
i know vray sun and standard parameter's differancy

i want to place same postion only ~
if you have a free time , i want to help me again

thank you , thank you always

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