Turn off Normal Maps Globally in scene

Hello Everyone,
As sometimes normal maps creates some glitches and flickerings in animation sequences, i had to go through all materials and turn them off (or remove) manually.
But i needed a script which can automatically detects a normal map and turn them off.
Any similar script would be very beneficial for me and all architectural visualisers.



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this will turn off NormalBump and VrayNormalMaps located as bump in VrayMtl

for o in getclassinstances VrayMtl where classof o.texmap_bump == VrayNormalMap do o.texmap_bump_on = false
for o in getclassinstances VrayMtl where classof o.texmap_bump == Normal_Bump do o.texmap_bump_on = false

Let me know if you have them located in other slots.
I can modify code to look in all slots but it will be bit slower.

This is not install file, but you can place it in scripts folder and use Favorite Script Menu to run it


pixamoon_turnoffnormalbumps_v0.10.ms 257 bytes

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