Tagged 'link'


2 votes

Pipe System

A 3dsMax-Tool written in MaxScript


2017 April 03 - Tommy Dräger


2 votes



this script lets you align an object to the sliceplane of an object with slice modifier.


works on max design 2011 x64.


10 votes

Script transports the material from one object to another without materialeditor. Скрипт передаёт материал от одного объекта другому без материалэдитора.


Distance Linker

22 votes

Compares two sets of objects, linking objects in "child" set to the nearest object in the "parent" set... pretty simple!

1. Select set to be children and run script or press refresh children.
2. Select set to be parents and press refresh parents
3. Press "Parent"

*4. You can also press "select objs w/o children" to select any objects left in the parent list with no children (can happen if it's far enough away that it's not the closest to any object in the child set.)



24 votes

Linker - MAX script allows to create hierarchical linkage between two objects linking them as child to parent. This script was created for easy linkage Biped bones with bounding box objects of these bones.

v1.2.0 (19.12.2008) - Added new collection method "Selected Chain To Buffer"
- Added possibility select in scene childs and parents objects which collected in buffer.


3 votes

This macroscript adds an "Auto-Link" mode and allows to link objects very quickly when using "Paint selection region" method in the main toolbar. But it works with any selection method and "Ctrl+click". This mode is helpfull if you often need to link a lot of objects together.

Multi Link Info

2 votes

a very simple script. It helps to check and uncheck the Move, rotate and scale axis in Link Info. It works with Locks axis and Inherit Axis on all the objects in selection.

Quick Link Lock Tool

1 vote


Tronotools Quick Link Lock Info

A small tool I created to more quickly handle link locks. You can globally lock or unlock everything with one button. Same with just movement, rotate or scale separately. Supports multiple objects and behaves just like the normal 3dsMax Hierarchy->Link Info System.


v1.1 - Fixed a bug when no objects were selected.


4 votes


EmbedBMP is a scripting utility that translates bitmap data from an image file to string data, which can be added to Maxscript source and loaded as bitmaps by the provided decoder function block.

Some basic compression is applied to decrease the data size. The embedbmp logo for instance is imbedded as a 5kb string, from a 44kb bitmap. The maximum practical image size strongly depends on the compressibility and omittability of the image content.

Ray Parent

19 votes

Based on Neil Blevins' object planter. This script allows you to select two sets of objects and plant / parent them to another set of geometry that is "below" it. Ideal use: you have a bunch of props and need to plant/parent them onto multiple ground pieces... you can select all the trees, select all the ground pieces, and it'll automatically parent to the object below it.

*Sometimes it will parent to wrong objects... i find that a reset xform on the parent objects help.

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