Tagged 'link'


756 votes

 The Outliner 2.0 is a fast and easy to use scene management tool. It has a wide range of features, including selecting, hiding, freezing, linking and grouping objects in the "Hierarchy Mode". In the "Layer Mode" you can organize your scene by dragging&dropping objects from one layer to the other. What's more, the Outliner offers support for nested layers, to manage scenes more efficiently. The interface is nimble enough to keep it open constantly.

Superflow Original

283 votes


V-MOTION - Superflow Original

Developed by Ian Clemmer http://www.ianclemmer.com

Programmed by Panayot Karabakalov a.k.a. Anubis http://www.scriptspot.com/users/anubis

miauu's Manage Links

7 votes



11 votes


buy it on  : http://hocuspocus-studio.fr/tools/product/radius/


Radius is the version 2.0 of my previous tool radius Influence : vimeo.com/35854355

It's really a tool for motion graphics artists.

It comes with a lot of updates and new features :

Mirza Link Manager

4 votes

Version 3 is out there!

Import once, update any time

The most popular linker between BIM and 3dsMax has been revamped and significantly improved.

What's new:


2 votes



this script lets you align an object to the sliceplane of an object with slice modifier.


works on max design 2011 x64.


4 votes


Scriptbag is a configurable quicklink tool serving as a faster and more convenient alternative to Max's cumbersome user panel/toolbar system.


- Link panel: up to 60 configurable link buttons
- List panel: up to 9 per-folder link file listings
- Adjustable button / window sizes
- All settings and link data are saved .db file
- Run scripts, open files with lmb
- Edit links and link names with rmb
- Hold control key to open scripts in editor
- Run at Max startup option


42 votes

gizmoControl UI screenshot This macroscript (to be found in the "MB Tools" category after executing the .mcr) will allow you to link the transformation of a modifier gizmo to some other scene object. Afterwards, the gizmo will always be fully aligned to that other scene object, which can be freely animated by any kind of controller and linked to any other scene node. In some way this is very similar to World Space Modifiers but it works for any kind of modifier gizmo.

This tool can be very useful for creating complex modifier animations, for example animating a Slice modifier's plane along a path, attaching a UVW Map modfier to some animated helper object, transforming a Displace modifier with some other object, or having an extra node control the- symmety plane of a Symmetry modifier.


10 votes

Script transports the material from one object to another without materialeditor. Скрипт передаёт материал от одного объекта другому без материалэдитора.


Quick Link Lock Tool

1 vote


Tronotools Quick Link Lock Info

A small tool I created to more quickly handle link locks. You can globally lock or unlock everything with one button. Same with just movement, rotate or scale separately. Supports multiple objects and behaves just like the normal 3dsMax Hierarchy->Link Info System.


v1.1 - Fixed a bug when no objects were selected.