Tagged 'link'


756 votes

 The Outliner 2.0 is a fast and easy to use scene management tool. It has a wide range of features, including selecting, hiding, freezing, linking and grouping objects in the "Hierarchy Mode". In the "Layer Mode" you can organize your scene by dragging&dropping objects from one layer to the other. What's more, the Outliner offers support for nested layers, to manage scenes more efficiently. The interface is nimble enough to keep it open constantly.

Superflow Original

283 votes


V-MOTION - Superflow Original

Developed by Ian Clemmer http://www.ianclemmer.com

Programmed by Panayot Karabakalov a.k.a. Anubis http://www.scriptspot.com/users/anubis

Mindflow Parentize

47 votes


V-MOTION - Mindflow Parentize // Automatic Hierarchy Chain Generator


Developed by Ian Clemmer http://www.ianclemmer.com

Programmed by Panayot Karabakalov a.k.a. Anubis http://www.scriptspot.com/users/anubis


42 votes

gizmoControl UI screenshot This macroscript (to be found in the "MB Tools" category after executing the .mcr) will allow you to link the transformation of a modifier gizmo to some other scene object. Afterwards, the gizmo will always be fully aligned to that other scene object, which can be freely animated by any kind of controller and linked to any other scene node. In some way this is very similar to World Space Modifiers but it works for any kind of modifier gizmo.

This tool can be very useful for creating complex modifier animations, for example animating a Slice modifier's plane along a path, attaching a UVW Map modfier to some animated helper object, transforming a Displace modifier with some other object, or having an extra node control the- symmety plane of a Symmetry modifier.

Hierarchy State

31 votes

Hierarchy State

Good for backup/restore scene objects hierarchy


24 votes

Linker - MAX script allows to create hierarchical linkage between two objects linking them as child to parent. This script was created for easy linkage Biped bones with bounding box objects of these bones.

v1.2.0 (19.12.2008) - Added new collection method "Selected Chain To Buffer"
- Added possibility select in scene childs and parents objects which collected in buffer.

Distance Linker

22 votes

Compares two sets of objects, linking objects in "child" set to the nearest object in the "parent" set... pretty simple!

1. Select set to be children and run script or press refresh children.
2. Select set to be parents and press refresh parents
3. Press "Parent"

*4. You can also press "select objs w/o children" to select any objects left in the parent list with no children (can happen if it's far enough away that it's not the closest to any object in the child set.)


Ray Parent

19 votes

Based on Neil Blevins' object planter. This script allows you to select two sets of objects and plant / parent them to another set of geometry that is "below" it. Ideal use: you have a bunch of props and need to plant/parent them onto multiple ground pieces... you can select all the trees, select all the ground pieces, and it'll automatically parent to the object below it.

*Sometimes it will parent to wrong objects... i find that a reset xform on the parent objects help.


11 votes


buy it on  : http://hocuspocus-studio.fr/tools/product/radius/


Radius is the version 2.0 of my previous tool radius Influence : vimeo.com/35854355

It's really a tool for motion graphics artists.

It comes with a lot of updates and new features :


10 votes

Script transports the material from one object to another without materialeditor. Скрипт передаёт материал от одного объекта другому без материалэдитора.


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