Tagged 'I/O'

Screaming Drum

6 votes

This contains two files: A perl script to convert a MIDI file to TXT - and a MaxScript to animate an object based on MIDI data. Current version is limited to one MIDI channel.

Turbo Squid Max Scripts

6 votes

"Allows you to prepare and package your models from directly inside Max. They will cut thumbnails - count polys - and zip up your assets quickly and efficiently."


6 votes

Refreshes scene xrefs.

Quake III MD3 Importer Public Beta

6 votes

Loads animations. tags. skin files and more. (Max 4.2 compatible)


6 votes

"Script for importing Autodesk .3DS files. The 3DS file format is one of the most widely used for 3D models - so you'll have no trouble finding modelling programs and utilities that can export to it. It's never been easier to get your models into gmax! Imports full geometry - materials with textures - keyframed animations - model hierarchies - lights - and smoothing groups


5 votes

Add and Edit Scene X-Ref objects en-masse.


5 votes

QuickNav is a faster and easier way to open/merge/save/browse your scene files.


5 votes

Toggles hidden on and off for scene xrefs.


5 votes


  • Pick a MAX R3 CUI File (contains color info)
  • Transfer all R3 colors to a new 3ds max 4 CLR file with suffix "_324.CLR" (R3 to R4)
  • By default Uses "MaxColors
  • Write Ani File

    5 votes

    Saves tranform animation for selected objects to a text file.

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