Tagged 'calculator'


38 votes

With length calculator you can easily calculate the length of the selected edges. Very usefull for arch modeling. In the next release it will also support shapes.

***I have uploaded a 2009 compatible version.

Frames-2-Milliseconds (Frames2MS)

1 vote

A quick converter from Frames to Milliseconds and vice versa

3DS Max Notepad

2 votes

Frame Numbers Shift Calculator

0 votes

* Title: Frame Numbers Shift Calculator

* Description:
-- Used to quickly give programmers the frame numbers to hide/unhide weapons, vfx, etc.
-- at exact frame position when the animation was not created from the 0th frame
-- Example: Start Frames: 528 End Frame: 605 becomes 0 to 77
-- Also, prints the output in MaxScript Listener window

Here's the screenshot of the script -


1 vote

Simple Calculator with History Feature