Tagged 'number'

Duplicate Geometry Select

7 votes

If selected 0 Work to all objects
If Shift pressed then will select objects by geometry vertex count.
If Shift NOT pressed then will select by center objects position

Macro Snippets

26 votes

Show Vert Nums
Quick Z Direction
Distance to Clipboard
Angle to Clipboard

LED Display

2 votes

LED Display for Autodesk 3ds Max is a free MaxScript for creating seven segment LED display model. The numbers can be animated.

The script is a freeware and can be used for any commercial or non-commercial purposes. It is provided unencrypted for further mods or improvements.

Frame Numbers Shift Calculator

0 votes

* Title: Frame Numbers Shift Calculator

* Description:
-- Used to quickly give programmers the frame numbers to hide/unhide weapons, vfx, etc.
-- at exact frame position when the animation was not created from the 0th frame
-- Example: Start Frames: 528 End Frame: 605 becomes 0 to 77
-- Also, prints the output in MaxScript Listener window

Here's the screenshot of the script -