Duplicate Geometry Select

7 votes
Date Updated: 
Author Name: 
Nikolay Litvinov

If selected 0 Work to all objects
If Shift pressed then will select objects by geometry vertex count.
If Shift NOT pressed then will select by center objects position

Additional Info: 

Install: Drop *.ms to viewport Перетащить *.ms во въюпорт

If selected 0 Work to all objects
If Shift pressed then will select objects by geometry vertex count.
If Shift NOT pressed then will select by center objects position

v1.2: Works with selection

duplicate_geometry_remover_1.1.ms712 bytes
duplicate_geometry_remover_1.2.ms1.06 KB
duplicate_geometry_remover_1.31.ms1.07 KB


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Thanks NIK!!!


I just gave the script a try in Max 2018.4 and some warnings:

- first I opened it in Script Editor because ANY Macro is suspect, specially coming from russians!
- selecting the code and "Evaluate all" just bring the first bit of code:

messagebox "If selected 0 Work to all objects\nIf Shift pressed then will select objects by geometry vertex count.\nIf Shift NOT pressed then will select by center objects position"
messagebox("Category: \"Niklit Scripts\"")

- I did open it the with "Scripting/Run Script" instead, then "Customize/ Customize User Interface/Toolbars/Niklit Scripts" and drag "Duplicate Geometry Remover" to my Custom Toolbar

- WHITOUT selecting any Objects in my scene, press the icon... and it selects all duplicates. Press delete and works like a charm!!

Hope this helps others!


hansolocambo's picture


Absolutely amazing script. Damn. I spent the last 25 hours cleaning thousands of instances by hand. What a shame something like does not exist in 3DS Max by default. SO helpful. Thanks.

How to use (for those who eventually struggle) :
Drag and drop the .ms file into Max. Press OK twice.
Then go to : Customize/Customize User Interface
In Category choose Niklit Scripts
Drag and drop the Duplicate Geometry Remover somewhere in your UI.
Too bad there's no icon though.

kentauro's picture


You rock !!!

Custom's picture

Gave me result, that I

Gave me result, that I expected. Thank you vvvery much!

Nik's picture



Gabriel_S's picture

Yep, Exactly !

My english is very bad, but the idea is exactly what amartinez said.

amartinez1660's picture

[Removing at the same place: Gabriel_S request]

I think he means same object, with same amount of vertices but only at (or very close to, maybe a distance threshold parameter) the same place of each other, i.e., overlapping duplicated objects.

ass's picture

Me too bad understand

Me too bad understand Gabriel_S's idea.

Nik's picture

Не понял нифига что требуется добавить)

I do not understand, what requires add)

Gabriel_S's picture

Ideas for features

Lot of times, there is the same object multiple time in the scene, but we want remove just where they are at the same place.

I think it will be very useful if you add the option to select just copy they are at the same place of the selected object.

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