Tagged 'mix'

Camera Mixer

46 votes

Camera Mixer v0.1  Camera Mixer  is a real-time sequence editing tool.

It allows you to start editing draft sequences without starting any heavy film editing software.

Features :

- Real time playing
- File Open/Save
- Export the mix to 3dsmax’s batch renderer
- Save a preview of the whole mix
 - Usual UI controls : snap, delete/repace, mute/solo, move track up/down

Blend Mesh

7 votes


Instead of morphing between two nodes, this modifier allows you to morph between a state of the model before adding one or multiple modifiers and after that (provided that they don't change the object's topology). It works with soft selection – you can select just a part of the mesh to be changed. Up to 30 states in the stack can be saved on a single node, there are 30 data channels to choose from

Color Mixer

6 votes

Simple color mixer. You can change the number of segments of the gradient control and move the slider or enter a percentage to get a desired blend of two colors in RGB or HSV color space. The width of the dialog can be changed.

Color Mixer UI

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