Tagged 'Objects'


51 votes



14 votes

CAD-like Linear Dimensioning based on Tape Helper objects. Support for Rendering - Text and Arrow styles - colors - size and position etc. Updated - support for some common units (m -cm -km -mm - dec.feet - dec.inches)

Disc Object

6 votes

Builds a disc like the top of a cylinder. Inspired by the need to build collision planes for Mayim Walkabout. This is a conceptual extension to a plane object - but this is a flat one-sided circular disc rather than a rectangle. Supports ellipse shape.

Distribute Selection

6 votes

Distributes the selected objects evenly along x,y, and/or Z axis.

Dummy resizer

7 votes

I'm getting pretty fastidious about how I'm working and I think this script kind of proves it. I didn't want to scale dummies with 'affect object' (did I say I was getting fastidious?) and I got tired of typing '$.boxsize' so I wrote this script (my first ever written from scratch!). Very simple. Does what it says on the tin.


8 votes

Lets you size (rather than scale) dummies.

Duplicate Geometry Select

7 votes

If selected 0 Work to all objects
If Shift pressed then will select objects by geometry vertex count.
If Shift NOT pressed then will select by center objects position

Easy Peasy 2

3 votes


EffectWare Scripts II

7 votes

Sphere's and sticks modeler - Tumble Generator.

Extended Dummy

8 votes

A non-uniform shape dummy with Width-Length-Height parameters.

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