Tagged 'convert'


288 votes

MultyConvertor - allow to convert any materials, lights (objects) of any renders to any materials, lights (objects) and renders!!! It is all in one.

You can simple create *.mct (edit text file in any text editors and change extension) file for new render and facilities that support this type of rendering. See any *.mct in archive

Now you start the script and setup link properties from one render type to other. You can also use expression for translate value to other value or execute any max script expression.


11 votes

v2.02 Fixed bugs

The script welds automatically all vertices of border.
Этот инструмент автоматически спаивает вершины краёв.

VrayProxy Switcher

35 votes

Select a bunch of objects and put unique nodes to a specified directory as separate max files with the related vrayproxy data saved next to it.
Istance copies will be replaced with the new vrayproxy object.
Get previously saved objects back to max whenever you wish.

User Interface

Subobjects Converter

9 votes

When importing models, there is often a single first smoothing group when the object is broken into elements. When seams are welded together, the result is not a model with faces, but a monolithic piece by Smoothing group.
To solution this problem: In subobjects 5 (Elements) added a function to assign a different smoothing group to each element. To RUN this function press ESC+5. After that all seams of surfaces can be soldered normally.

Helper Manager

7 votes

A support panel containing many methods for adding point or dummy helpers to the scene, as well as options for baking, constraining, linking, duplicating existing hierarchies using helpers, or replacing them with a Bones System.

miauu's Batch Save/Export OBJ/FBX/3DS/MAX as OBJ/FBX/3DS/MAX files

6 votes



Batch save or export selected .obj, .fbx, .3ds or .max files an .obj, .fbx, .3ds, .max files.

Frodo's Magic Scripts Pack

74 votes


this is a small package of my latest scripts, i hope you'll find them usefull.

Camera lister - usefull for fast navigation and selection of scene cameras
Autobackup check - you'll never forget to turn autoback on
Speed meter - measures speed of selected object
Grider - slices object by grid
Center & Reset - resets xform and centers pivot
Aligh spline to Z - flattens spline in Z direction
Object ID - assigns random g-buffer ID to whole scene

miauu's Transfer Edges: Poly <-> UVW

3 votes


27 votes

Original code by Borislav Petrov.
3DsMax 9 modify by Raúl Ortega Palacios.

This script convert .max files to older max versions.
Thanks Borislav, is very powerfull but there isn't work in 3dsmax 9.
This version solve the paths and the back-slash problems in max 9.

Best Regards.

3dmax Vray To Unreal Engine Converter and Vertex Color Baker

1 vote

This script can convert Vray to Unreal engine Materials and geomerty, Bake AO/GI/CustomShader to vertex Color/alpha or to texture. Also you can place All scene objects in Unreal like in 3ds max Scene in one click.