Tagged 'convert'

FiberMesh to Splines

3 votes

FiberMesh to Splines will convert the exported FiberMesh polygons from ZBrush to splines. The splines can be used to create and render 3DS Max hair either with 3DS Max default hair modifier or using a hair plugin that has a recomb from splines option.


Frames-2-Milliseconds (Frames2MS)

1 vote

A quick converter from Frames to Milliseconds and vice versa

Frodo's Magic Scripts Pack

74 votes


this is a small package of my latest scripts, i hope you'll find them usefull.

Camera lister - usefull for fast navigation and selection of scene cameras
Autobackup check - you'll never forget to turn autoback on
Speed meter - measures speed of selected object
Grider - slices object by grid
Center & Reset - resets xform and centers pivot
Aligh spline to Z - flattens spline in Z direction
Object ID - assigns random g-buffer ID to whole scene

UV 2 Mesh

73 votes

Converts your object(s)'s UV-Map to an Editable Poly or Mesh, also supports the creation of a "Bakingplane" to enable a faster workflow for planar highPoly modeling.

After some requests i decided to put it up as a standalone, have phun.

VrayProxy Switcher

35 votes

Select a bunch of objects and put unique nodes to a specified directory as separate max files with the related vrayproxy data saved next to it.
Istance copies will be replaced with the new vrayproxy object.
Get previously saved objects back to max whenever you wish.

User Interface

Vertex to shape

21 votes

This is a script I did for a co-worker. It takes a vertex selection and turns that into a shape. It is the same as taking an edge loop and converting it to a shape but with less button clicks. Actually that is how it is scripted as well. It takes a vertex selection and converts it to a edge selection and then shrinks it to get the right edge loop. Then it just converts the edge to a shape. Pretty simple but it might help your work flow if you need something like this often enough.


288 votes

MultyConvertor - allow to convert any materials, lights (objects) of any renders to any materials, lights (objects) and renders!!! It is all in one.

You can simple create *.mct (edit text file in any text editors and change extension) file for new render and facilities that support this type of rendering. See any *.mct in archive

Now you start the script and setup link properties from one render type to other. You can also use expression for translate value to other value or execute any max script expression.

Obj-Selector of obj without materials

16 votes

This short script allows the user to automatically select all objects in a scene that do not have a material or do have a 'Global Architectural' material applied to them.
This is useful especially for users who work with imported data from AutoCAD.

Simply drag and drop the script into your 3ds max viewport after the import process is finished, et voilà.


13 votes

The vrayColorTool will insert vraycolormaps into every available textureslot in the diffusechannel of a material. The new vraycolormap will hold the appropriate colorvalue. This wil enable artists to convert materials to a gamma-oriented workflow. The script will also remove the vraycolormaps if needed.

HairtoShag V1.1

17 votes

Is a 3dsmax script tool for convert the 3dsmax Hair&Fur guide lines in HairFx guide lines. With this script you can use the power of modeling tools in Hair&Fur and render your hairs with HairFx. For the tutorial you can see in my tutorial page link.