Tagged '3ds max'


-2 votes

This script is here to speed up our workflow. A combination of scripts put together to quickly access animation, rendering, lighting, fumefx, frost, vray, Krakatoa and other utilities. more info coming soon

3DS Max - Convert Unique Objects To Instances - Plugin

8 votes

In this video, I will present you with a new plugin I created that converts unique object/objects into instances of a selected source object.

3DS Max - 2D - Create Parametric Lines

4 votes

In this video, I will present you with a new script I created to help the User creating 2D lines with specific length and angles. The script Allows you to modify the length of the last created line at any time.
This is a feature I always wanted to have in Max and for some reason, The developers are neglecting this simple feature.
I will try to update it as much as possible to add more features to it,
And if you have any suggestions, please leave them in the comment
Area. If you like the script please press the like button and Subscribe to the channel. Thank you! :)


4 votes


SuperHelix is a professional tool to create complex helix splines for 3D modeling, Animation and VFX.

Make convoluted objects like DNA strands, ropes, tornado-like shapes, balls of wool, woven wicker baskets, tangled cables, wires, springs, spirals, intricate knots and a lot more.

Build custom deformed helical paths to animate your objects, characters or particle systems.

3DS Max - Match Materials and Mapping - Plugin

3 votes

This script will help the user match the material of a source object to a target object
First, you need to select the source object then click the script, now start picking your target objects
When you finish picking just right-click, or press Enter, and the picked Objects will have the same material as the source
Object plus any UVW Map modifier or Unwrap UVW modifier applied to it.

3DS Max - Create Vray Physical Camera

0 votes

As you know the Vray Physical Camera is no longer available
In the recent releases of 3DS Max.
So I created a small script that will allow you to create it as you used to do. After installing the script you can create a toolbar for it and place in your main UI.

Selectionset Manager

4 votes

Tool for exporting and importing selection sets

Simple tool to transfer selection set between Max files.
Selection sets depend on the naming of scene objects.


*export of actual selected objects as selection set
*export of all selection sets in scene
*import of exported SelectionSet files (.txt)
*import several files (.txt)

*set name of export file
*paste or browse export path, otherwise it will choose the actual Max folder

Lock and Unlock objects and Cameras

1 vote

this is a very sipele one but usefull.
This script allow you to lock and unlock transforms for any object and camera in one click.

Menu 1 - "Lock All Trasform For Selection":

- Lock and unlock all transforms.

Menu 2 - "Separated Trasforms":

- Lock and unlock Separated Trasforms: Transform, Rotation, Scale.

Menu 3 - "Cameras In Scene":

- Lock and unlock all the transforms for all the cameras in the scene.

note: in menus 1 and 2, if you select a camera and lock or unlock it will apply on the target as well.

Batch Export Any Format

1 vote

To Batch export use it script with "Batch It Max" script. "Batch It Max" can run any script on multiple files with single click.

Link for Batch It Max : http://paulneale.com/scripts/batchItMax/batchItMax.htm


1 vote

Boujou2max plug-in poster

Boujou2max imports raw markers from Boujou as an animated cubes or dummies. This is a good solution for raw motion tracking without camera solve.

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