Tagged '3ds max'

MZP Maker

0 votes

MZP Maker it's the perfect tool when you're in a hurry and just need to package your script.


Group to EditablePoly

2 votes

This script is intended to convert group into editable Poly.if you have multiple groups selected it will create multiple editable poly objects ( one editable Poly per group). It support nested groups (group within group).the script has no interface, it's just a button, here is the default icon , once installed you just need to have one or multiple groups selected and click the button and that's it, no fancy options.

Get In Line! (May 9,2011)

35 votes

This script evenly distributes the selected objects based on the start and end target objects.

Anyone is more than welcome to add to this.
Things you could potentially add are qsorting, transform, scale, and rotation sorting as well.

Right now it just does position.

Pivot point Align managment tool

1 vote

Her is a simple tool i just created to help align the pivot position around any mesh cage, as you can align the pivot point to 27 point around the object cage, and move the pivot point to the scene orgine and rotat the pivot point 90 degree on the X axise if you are exporting mesh to unity 3d that will import the object to unity with out any rotation values.

3DS Max - Plugin - CopyPasteDWG

0 votes

This plugin allows the user to copy-paste objects from an opened AutoCAD file into 3DS Max.
The plugin works with multiple opened CAD files, it recognizes the last copied objects.
The script offers many filtering options for the imported objects like:
1-removing the prefix "Layer:" and this will make it easier to select objects by name
2-remove any material applied to the imported objects
3-remove the Block/Style Parent hierarchies
4-select the imported objects when importing is done
5-turn the imported objects into a group


14 votes

Quick tools in one place. Dockbar!

Instance Material and Modifiers Tools

1 vote

This Script for Instancing the Material and Modifiers Between Objects .
The Aim of it is to Generate Aligned Modifier Like in case of UVWMap or Slice or Symmetry ..
it works with all Modifiers that have Gizmo or Mirror Sublevel (Property) and the Slice Modifier .
its Combined of 4 scripts

+ALT - Delete Materials and Modifiers of Selected Objects.
+CTRL - Instancing The Material and First Modifier from Picked Object to Selected Objects .
+SHIFT - Instance Material and All Modifiers from Picked Object to Selected Objects .

Content Browser

2 votes

The Content Browser helps you quickly browse and import 3D assets on your computer.

Load any folder accessible on your machine and the Content Browser will find any materials, hdri’s, models, and max files. It will group, organize and display these files as assets, recognizing previews, LODs, mapping channels, resolutions and other important information automatically. 

It simplifies the importing and merging process for 3d models, max files, material creation and hdri environment maps by allowing you to directly browse, filter and drag all of your 3D assets from sources like MegaScans, PolyHaven, gameTextures, Poliigon, Arroway into 3ds max viewport or material editor. 

Main Features

  • Load any folder and find 3D models, max files, materials and hdri’s.
  • Show grouped files as assets, group matching assets and find preview images.
  • Drag and Drop asset into the 3ds max viewport or the Slate Material Editor
  • Import assets to Slate and Compact Material Editors
  • Default Merge and Import 3d files and max scenes, with automatic relinking filepaths
  • Choose LODs/resolution/variations and Import multiple assets at once
  • Folder hierarchy, File list and Preview Gallery

3DS Max - Convert Unique Objects To Instances - Plugin

8 votes

In this video, I will present you with a new plugin I created that converts unique object/objects into instances of a selected source object.

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