Tagged 'Unwrap'

Simply Cool Uv Tool

22 votes

This is my first script.Made for fun. Actually i needed to move selected uv clusters exactly 1 uv tile in witch direction i choose so i made a script. And added a few things...

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Unwrella UV-Helper: Blue Edge Selection To Green Seams

15 votes

This script converts (blue) pelt edge-selections into normal (green) texture seams.
It is used to skip the tedious manual parting process and it creates instantly separated UV parts.


Mainly for use with Unwrella 2.

There's an extra button for clearing all seams from the mesh.

Last Update: max 2013 compatibility, detailed tutorial video added

TexTools: Toolbox for the texture artist

237 votes

Documentation: http://www.renderhjs.net/textools/


16 votes

Automatic scaling elements of unwrapUVW rather each other.

UV aligner

30 votes

Script for aligning and looping vertices (uv's) inside the UVW unwrap dialog.

UVW Aspect Fix

12 votes

The script takes existing UVW Elements and scales them relatively to
their proportions in the parent object.

Works only on a single poly or mesh object.


11 votes

This script is actually three in one, for use in Unwrap UVW.

Align Selection Horizontally, Align Selection Vertically, and Collapse Selection to single point.

Update 1.1 added Undo


7 votes

Swaps the UVWs with XYZs very useful if you want to use any modifiers, use poly modeling tools, or any other 3d tools on your UVWs. Update: Added undo, and rolled in some the scaling work that TexTools added to my script.


49 votes

lscm unwrap integrated for max5.1 and up

After seeing the max8 peltmapping vids - and doing a bit research on
the topic - I found that wings3d and blender already have nice
automatic unwrappers - using the same technique called LSCM. This
maxscript/plugin combo implements the technique based on blender3d. It
allows the user to mark edges as uv seams and run the automatic unwrap.