Tagged 'Source'


4 votes


EmbedBMP is a scripting utility that translates bitmap data from an image file to string data, which can be added to Maxscript source and loaded as bitmaps by the provided decoder function block.

Some basic compression is applied to decrease the data size. The embedbmp logo for instance is imbedded as a 5kb string, from a 44kb bitmap. The maximum practical image size strongly depends on the compressibility and omittability of the image content.

Fume Object Source Manager

19 votes

Rollouts for duplicating and managing multiple object sources since you can't instance object sources (because you can only have one object per source)

*Can duplicate object source and assign objects to selected geometry automatically
*Optionally add new sources to fume grid obj/src list
*Contains all functionality of the object src modify panel

Fume Src Manager


10 votes

Script transports the material from one object to another without materialeditor. Скрипт передаёт материал от одного объекта другому без материалэдитора.


Wall Worm Model Tools

60 votes

 A Hammer User's Guide to 3ds Max Wall Worm is the complete Source Engine Pipeline. With extensive exporters, importers, model, material and level design tools, Wall Worm makes working with the Source Engine fun.

The toolset now also includes exporters for getting models into Source 2.

Key Features for Source 2

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