MCG Clonewolf

6 votes
Date Updated: 

another cloner ??? This Clonewolf allows both local rotation AND offset rotation to work at the same time !!! It also 'fits' the clones together using bbox instead of you manually fiddling around, it also allows mesh alignment for rotation so you don't have to fiddle with your object's subobj level.


Then can be found in modifier dropdown list.

ver 1.01: added Reduce Display option (disable when rendering !)

ver 1.02: reorganised UI so Mesh Alignment now has it's own group, this is because you can use this to affect BBox Trans Offset too, not just for rotation. Please watch the video to see usage when you change scale from the default 1.0

ver 1.03: added option to remove coplanar faces for welding. I do not like the MCG Weld so it is not implemented inside. You should use the Welder modifier instead. Also, do NOT use the Morph feature, it is for me to fool around with. I suggest if you want to do something similar, then simply clone straight out, Welder, then apply a Bend modifier on top.


3ds Max Version Requirement: 
Other Requrements: 
2016, 2017...don't care about 2018...get stuffed
Video URL: 
vu_clonewolf_1.00.zip14.21 KB
vu_clonewolf_1.01.zip14.41 KB
vu_clonewolf_1.02.zip14.41 KB
vu_clonewolf_1.03.zip16.47 KB


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iancamarillo's picture

Have you found a solution to

Have you found a solution to cloning with an exponential distance? Thanks

taboo's picture

Exponential Transform

Is there a way to implement exponential transform?
I checked all the MCG Clone tools out there and couldn't find that option.


vusta's picture

new 1.03

pls note, previously if you have a cyl then extruded a midsection, then remove coplanar, it would remove the ends and also any midsection that's facing the whatever axis.

I've updated ver 1.03 so now it removes only the faces right at the ends, midsection is untouched. So just redownload.

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