MCG Curl

6 votes
Date Updated: 

This MCG will curl a spline, then you can skin it to a mesh and do a carpet roll effect. Can also do flower petals effect

3ds Max Version Requirement: 
Other Requrements: 
SP1/2/3 + EXT1/2
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vusta's picture

not sure what you mean by chamfered line..

but yeah rectangle is a piece of, star shape...I've even tried it on a helix...imagine that the curl of a helix....being curled again !!!

ttus's picture


Oh hoho. likely Si-Fi
the method has useful an line motion graphics.
Can rectangle and chanfer line be apply?

vusta's picture

sneak peek...

since there's no Spline modifier yet...this takes a copy of any spline and curls it...

edit: added multi curves...
nb: these are my experiments only...they're not available yet...

vusta's picture

chameleon's tongue...

party horn/'re right, i'm gonna bump up the price to 1 million dollars...

luxxeon's picture


Lots of potential for design purposes with this one. Great idea!

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