VA CloneOnCurve

6 votes

An extended version of the (AClone on curve) modifier that ships with 3ds max, this one adds the ability to read multiple curves per shape and distribute the clones based on the size of the mesh.

Update 1.1:

The new update brings the ability to control the number of clones incrementally, and if you edited the first point in your shape you can control were the clones start to appear of finish.


Alaa Alnahlawi

3ds Max Version Requirement: 
Other Requrements: 
3ds max 2016 Ext 2
Video URL: 
va_cloneoncurve.zip13.83 KB
va_cloneoncurve_1.1.zip14.07 KB


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Verde_msk's picture


Nice one. Thanks. Would be great if this have bank ammount option like in path constraint to match it. Rotation isn't enough in some situations

patokid's picture

error installing

Max creation graph won't finish installation.

"Validation failed for C:\Users\Shijune\Autodesk\3ds Max 2016\Max Creation Graph\Tools\Downloads\VA CloneOnCurve.maxtool : Error occurred deserializing node: Can't find operator CurvesInShape"

rgayan21's picture

3ds max 2014 ?

Hi. i have 3ds max 2014. is there is any script like this for max 2014 ?

ghostpro278's picture


Thanks you, it's very helpful

sno's picture

thank you

your tools are always creative and really helpfull!
thank you!

best regards sno

cptSwing's picture


Welding cloned objects into one continuous mesh would be awesome for pipes and cables and the like..!

tonyescouto's picture

how do this

how I do this, I am a new user of MCG and I dont no how.


kavek's picture

if it able to move on

if it able to move on spline it will be great for animation chain

Alaa alnahlawi's picture

about solozar error

Make sure you have the last extension (2) installed.
try to open the (VA GetCurves Length array) in MCG and evaluate it manually and see what do you get.

Alaa alnahlawi's picture

For randomness

This tool will stay simple but you can use my other tool (brick wall builder)
check it out:
if you set the min and max to 1 you will get the same as here but with the ability of unlimited randomness. but put in mind that the brick wall tool doesnt support multi curve at the moment, i'm implementing it now.

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