Tagged 'Surface'


81 votes

Mathsurf version 3.0
Mathsurf is a scripted plug-in for 3ds Max to create and explore mathematical surfaces and geometries in form of the standard editable mesh.

Radial Symmetry by PolyDesign

3 votes

Radial Symmetry by PolyDesign3D

Radial Symmetry is a C++ based modifier plugin for 3dsMax. Create complex designs in a few seconds.


A powerful animatable gizmo.
Preserves UVs and other face properties.
Option to add planar symmetry for perfect matching seams.
Slices the geometry along the mirror planes.
Weld seams
Mirror axis options for quick alignment.
Visual gizmo helps you adjust easily.

Supported 3dsMax Versions:

3dsMax 2016
3dsMax 2017
3dsMax 2018
3dsMax 2019
3dsMax 2020
3dsMax 2021

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