Tagged 'Modifier'


1 vote

DORITO simplifies the creation of what is usually called a Dorito Effect.
But in a way that doesn’t create any extra geometry, helpers, or any manual setup.

Random Face ID's

-13 votes

Have you ever wanted to randomize the face ID’s of an object based on elements, individual polygons, smoothing groups, or objects? Wait no longer. This modifier allows users to manipulate the face ID’s of an object in a non destructive way. Check out the images below where I demonstrate using this modifier to randomize the windows of a building.


5 votes

The AdvArray modifier is an advanced parametric array type modifier for Autodesk 3ds Max. Being that 3ds Max does not ship with any sort of parametric array modifier, I’ve programmed this modifier to fill that void as well as add a number of advanced array features not found in 3ds Max by default, and even some that cannot be found in other third party modifiers.

Bubble Modifier

43 votes

Works like sculpt deform in Maya.

A SimpleMod scripted plug-in modifier which inflates or pinches
an object according to the transformation of the modifier's gizmo, the radius and falloff parameters.

The Radius is the length of the offset a vertex would get if it's distance
from the gizmo evaluates as zero. This parameter can be set to a negative value as well to create a pinch effect.

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